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Antonio Negri est mort.

Au-delà du respect dû au disparu, qui était incontestablement un grand intellectuel, je m’autorise ici à présenter quelques objections à certaines de ses thèses.

Par Pepe Escobar
Une publication The Cradle

Washington needs to win its Gazan war against Iran because it failed to win its Ukrainian war against Russia.

Par Yarden Katz
Une publication Mondoweiss

Israel has erased the Jewish people and destroyed the possibilities for Jews to live in Palestine as non-colonizers. “Israeli” is a colonial identity we should renounce, because it harms both Palestinians and Jews.

Par Pepe Escobar
Une publication The Cradle

As the west’s support for Israel’s Gaza war becomes indefensible, Moscow aligns itself with the Global Majority in defense of Palestine.

Par Chris Hedges
Une publication ScheerPost

All settler colonial projects, including Israel, reach a point when they embrace wholesale slaughter and genocide to eradicate a native population that refuses to capitulate.

Par Pepe Escobar
Une publication The Cradle

The only country that could possibly distract the west from Ukraine is Israel. But the US and its allies are walking into an existential trap if they think a West Asian victory will be more easily won than a European one.

Par Isaac Saney
Une publication CovertAction Magazine

Between 1975 and 1991, Cuba embarked on a remarkable internationalist mission known as Operación Carlota. This mission was undertaken to defend Angola’s newly found independence from an invasion by apartheid-era South Africa, and it played a pivotal role in the broader African anti-colonial and national liberation struggles.

Selon la narration ressassée par les médias occidentaux, la guerre de Syrie aurait opposé une rébellion assoiffée de libertés démocratiques à un État autoritaire porté à bout de bras par ses alliés. Pour les faux naïfs, une héroïque « révolution syrienne » se serait même dressée contre un pouvoir cl...

Par Matthew Ehret
Une publication The Cradle

Africa’s renaissance is already underway through partnerships with Eurasian powers Russia and China, whose significant contributions are already visible in security, economic, and institutional sectors throughout the continent.

Par Pepe Escobar
Une publication The Cradle

Like dominos, African states are one by one falling outside the shackles of neocolonialism. Chad, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and now Gabon are saying “non” to France’s longtime domination of African financial, political, economic, and security affairs.

 Aspect :
Blanc Blanc antique
Noir Gris ardoise foncé